Happy 2020! Another year of crochet down, and another year to come. I am looking forward to this year in the hopes I can blog more, teach more, and crochet more. Despite my online silence, I have been a busy bee with my hands. Here are a few of the projects I worked on and/or completed in 2019.

Can you spot the freeform crochet? Creating more Freeform Crochet was my goal for 2019, and I am happy to have created several projects, one of them won a Judges Choice Award at a community art show! I also taught a Free Form Crochet workshop at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival. That was so much fun! I am hoping to teach more workshops throughout this year.

I have so much content for the blog, now it is just a matter of organizing my notes, writing up patterns and taking photos or videos. Stay tuned for more fun in 2020!

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