I can’t believe it’s been 3 months since I last wrote a blog post.  How pathetic!  I have no excuse other than life gets in the way sometimes and well, I’ve been tripping all over my life!  No, life has been good.  I’ve been crocheting like mad, I just haven’t sat down to write about it!  The good news for you, dear lover of crochet, is that I have some awesome links to projects for you.  So, if you like any of these projects, I’ll point you in the direction to make your own.

March Madness

I was crazy the beginning of March making St. Patrick’s Day hats for people.  Of the three hats I made for C this winter, this was by far the favorite amongst passersby.  I made a plain green hat using double crochets, but then added the appliqués from this site.  The rainbow pompom was my own creation. What do you think?


Art Gala April

During this time I was working on a freeform piece for C’s school art gala.  Parents and kids could submit their work for a silent auction fundraiser.  I ended up winning a Judges Choice award for my piece: Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow.

One thing I love about freeform is that sometimes your initial idea of the piece changes as you create.  It seems to take shape organically and the art tells artist where to go.  I know this sounds kind of hippy-dippy, but it really happens.  I love the process, it makes me feel like a “real” artist ;).

I also applied to teach a freeform class at the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival, and I was accepted!  So if you are in the Wisconsin/Illinois/Mid-West area and want to learn this fabulous technique please come!  It is going to be a fun, creative class and I cannot wait!


Mom of the Year May

During all this I felt the need to make something for C.  She’s been a little obsessed with Pandas and I found this simple amigurumi pattern to make for her.  Amigurumi is not my thing, it takes a ton of time, and lining up all the ears and legs and eyes to make them look perfect is hard.  Every now and then I make one and it makes me appreciate all those artists who do this regularly.  It is a true talent.  Check out my attempt, oh, and apparently pandas love donuts.


I have two more projects that I’ve worked on this year.  Both are free form and both are almost finished.  The first is a bag that I have been working on for months.  I love how this turned out, although I’m a little unsure how to attach a strap and might just let this be a clutch.  This is the unfortunate problem of letting a project lead the way too much.  Still, what do you think?

The second is a t-shirt vest that I am making.  The back will be a appliqués with a freeform netting.  If these appliqués look familiar I used them to make a shirt a couple of years ago.  The shirt was too small (or maybe I grew), so I cut it up (this was painful) and started a new project.  I am hoping to give a tutorial on how to make these (this is my second shirt) soon.  Here is the back of the project.

As I’ve mentioned in the past, Myra Wood gives an awesome introduction to this technique.  If you like it, check it/her out!

This weekend I am teaching a beginner crochet workshop through Milwaukee Recreation.  Wish me luck!  As always, Happy Crocheting!

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