My four year old is a little obsessed with Halloween; well, Halloween, Christmas, her birthday, anybody’s birthday, Easter, and pretty much any celebration.  I’m not underestimating the obsession, either.  This week alone, we’ve had a different dolly’s birthday every day.  I admit, I feed into it.  We made blonde brownies for one birthday celebration (although I just felt like something sweet), and we’ve done lots of dancing and singing around the house.

With Halloween coming up, my daughter has a different costume idea everyday.  Her latest, and the one that seems to be sticking, is to go trick-or-treating as a mermaid.  She, of course, needed a costume for her dolly too (since the dolly’s birthday was the next day).  I figured since she may change her mind 15 times before Halloween, I’d make a practice dolly mermaid costume before I started in on the little one’s costume.

I used this pattern for the tail, it is a very simple design for a beginner crocheter.  I decreased the top to fit the doll and then single crochet around a pony tail holder to cinch at the waist.   Here is what I came up with!

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