Did you know that I am a part-time yoga teacher? I teach anywhere from 4-6 classes a week and I love it. I have always been a fan of fitness: running, spinning, weights, aerobics, I have done it all over the years. Yoga was never on my radar, too slow, not enough calories burned. Fast forward to 2016 when my back got thrown out of whack with a slip disc, and just like that I couldn’t run, jump or do a lot of what I used to do. This is when I started my yoga practice and I haven’t looked back since. Yoga provides such gifts to a person through body, mind and spirit.

Naturally, I needed to take my passion for yoga to a creative level. I started with making my own Mala Bead Necklaces, which is as much of a meditation as crochet is.

Want to make your own? Check out this easy graphic.

Next I wanted to make a chakra tye-dye. My daughter and I got into the craft earlier this summer. I like the idea of this tee, but I think I can improve upon the technique. Note that I added a crochet trim (not sure I like how that turned out).

Lastly and finally, I was inspired to crochet my yoga love. Actually, I have A LOT of crochet ideas for yoga, but my first experiment was jewelry. Originally these “chakra” circles were going to connect into dangle earrings, but I felt they were too long. So playing around last night, I made this bracelet. I am really happy with it. The bright colors reminding me to be open in all areas of my life.

I hope you like these ideas, and maybe try some out for yourself. I also want to invite you to my other website that I’ve created with my daughter createcraftcool.wordpress.com. Clara and I have been doing craft videos for kids through Milwaukee Recreation and put this site together with tutorials and links to more ideas. We hope you like it!

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