Happy Tuesday!  The last two weeks I’ve been crocheting my little fingers off and I can finally start showing you the finished projects!  I have been commissioned by a few customers to make “Christmas presents” for themselves. I realized that when I am making a personalized product, the most important thing for me is customer satisfaction. I try to keep everyone in the loop with yarn choice, colors, and correct sizing.  Making a crochet item takes a lot longer when you look at it this way!  Here are a few of my items…

I had never crocheted a pair of socks before, and am very pleased with the results.  I used two patterns as guides, but pretty much came up with my own pattern.  It was two weeks of almost constant crochet.  Unfortunately, because I chose the color combinations I had to rip out inconsistencies a few times.  Gosh, I am happy this project is over…even though I’m thinking of new sock ideas as I write :).

My next project was a hat for a man.  He wanted 100% wool, and wanted it on the larger side.  I haven’t made many items for guys, so I had to get creative.  Plus, he had a specific shape in mind (which you’ll see next to my hat in one of the photos), so I had to figure this out.  Here is what I came up with.

The top puckered a bit, and the stitch at the body part of the hat doesn’t have much give, so unless he wore it folded, he’d look like a chef.  I wasn’t thrilled, but wanted him to look at it and give me some feedback.  He loved the stitch and color, but agreed that it could be a bit bigger and that would help the puckering.  I had to rip it out, and start from the crown.  It was a good move, I am half way through the body and it is fitting great.

Do you ever do custom work?  How do you handle specific requests?  I’d love to hear your experiences.  Thanks, and Happy Crocheting!

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