I am so flattered and honored to be nominated for a Blogger Recognition Award.  Thank you Periwinkle Pursuits for following my blog and nominating me!

So, These are The Rules:

  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  • Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to


How I started blogging:

A few years ago I started an online Etsy shop selling fun and festive crochet adornments.  I was home with my baby girl and I couldn’t stop crocheting hair clips for her.  Eventually, I started branching out to scarves, hats, patches, and jewelry; basically I made anything that interested me.  I decided to start Crochet539 to connect with other crocheters and crafters, and to motivate me to try making new things.

A few nuggets for you:

I love to write so blogging was an easy transition, what I didn’t expect was the great blogging community that I have found and am continuing to find as I read, comment and  write every week.  My first piece of advice would be to engage yourself into the blogging community.  Bloggers can be so welcoming and supportive, but they also offer a wealth of ideas if you just listen.  By playing a part in the discussion you can get so much more than just putting your thoughts on the computer.

My second piece of advice is to be consistent.  Set realistic goals for yourself and follow through.  I would love to write everyday, and sometimes I find myself writing in my head and wish I was near a computer.  Unfortunately, my lifestyle does not allow for me to write everyday.  I started this blog to write about my crochet adventures, but crocheting can take time!  I decided if I could just put a post out every Tuesday and not miss, I would be able to highlight my projects without overextending myself.  Since I decided this I have been consistent and not missed a Tuesday.  This has allowed me to take part in the other benefits of blogging such as reading other bloggers and developing a higher quality crochet post.

I Nominate:

  1. DIYTwistedSisters
  2. The Crafty Mummy
  3. Daniella Joe’s Blog
  4. Ali Does It Herself
  5. Yochet
  6. Clicky Chic Creates
  7. Emily Rose
  8. diyinadorm
  9. Coastal Crochet
  10. Sew Katie Did
  11. Sew June Jones
  12. Minirelli
  13. Mama Makes
  14. Recipe in a Bottle
  15. The Messy Brunette


If you’ve been nominated before or don’t want to join in the fun, no worries.  Just keep blogging and I’ll keep reading!  As always, hope everyone has a great week.

Happy Crocheting!

Please Crochet with Follow Me:



